Protein Carrot Cake 💪🏻🥕🎂 ⁣⁣

Protein Carrot Cake 💪🏻🥕🎂 ⁣⁣

Over 70g Protein in the whole cake! (not that anyone would eat it in a oner 😇 but still, 18g per serving isn’t bad)⁣⁣
We all know Carrot Cake is one of the best desserts out there so we’re delighted to have a macro friendly version for you to try that still tastes incredible🧑🏻‍🍳 ⁣⁣
Save this one for later and if you try it let us know. ⁣⁣
- 40g of Instant Oats, or blended regular oats⁣⁣
- 2 medium eggs ⁣⁣
- 1 carrot, grated⁣⁣
- 1tsp cinnamon⁣⁣
- 1tsp mixed spice ⁣⁣
- 1tbsp plain flour⁣⁣
- 1tsp baking powder ⁣⁣
- 1tsp chai latte spices (optional) ⁣⁣
- 2 scoops of Pure Whey (we recommend Vanilla or Toffee Fudge) ⁣⁣
- 50ml of oat milk ⁣⁣
For the optional (but recommended) cream cheese frosting:⁣⁣
- 1 heaped tbsp light cream cheese⁣⁣
- 1 tbsp icing sugar ⁣⁣
- 1 tbsp chai latte spices⁣⁣
Combine these in a bowl and set aside in the fridge for serving. ⁣⁣
1️⃣ Preheat oven to 170 degrees.⁣⁣
2️⃣ Combine all ingredients in a bowl until evenly dispersed.⁣⁣
3️⃣ Line a loaf tin and pour in ingredients. Cook for 15 mins, remove from oven and allow to cool in the tin for 15 mins.⁣⁣
4️⃣ When the loaf is cool, top with your cream cheese frosting and serve immediately. This won’t last 5 mins.⁣⁣
Calories: 164kcal⁣
Protein: 17.6g⁣
Carbs: 14g⁣
Fat: 4.2g
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